this Ramadan with

Sh Mohammed Nizami

Specialist Scholar | Teacher | Guide

The final message is a proclamation from the Lord of the realms to adopt and uphold the covenantal law. To have faith (īmān) in this divine update means to engage with its message and purpose. The final message is not a "holy" book but a practical call. Join this bootcamp to find out what God is actually saying. 

Join the experience


 this Ramadan with

Sh Mohammed Nizami

Specialist Scholar | Teacher | Guide

The final message is a proclamation from the Lord of the realms to adopt and uphold the covenantal law. To have faith (īmān) in this divine update means to engage with its message and purpose. The final message is not a "holy" book but a practical call. Join the bootcamp to find out what God is actually saying. 

Join the experience

Over the course of this Ramadan, join an epic journey through the entire message, cover to cover, orienting yourself to God’s call and the primordial tradition of Abraham - the path of the ancients. This exclusive program offers the unique opportunity to gain a profound understanding of God’s final decree, guided by a scholar who makes the divine proclamation accessible and wholly relevant to all.

Designed for intelligent non-specialists and busy individuals, the program combines audio podcasts for convenient preparation, daily live sessions for in-depth learning, and a curated Telegram forum for questions, community discussions and engagement.

By the end of this journey, you’ll have a foundational understanding of God’s message, clarity on what He expects of you, and a profound sense of purpose with a life mission.

Podcast example
Four thousand years ago...

أعطيتُ مكان التوراة السبعَ، وأعطيتُ مكان الزبور المِئِين، وأعطيتُ مكان الإنجيل المثاني، وفضِّلت بالمفصَّل

I was given the ‘7’ (chapters 1-9) in place of the Torah, the ‘100s’ (chapters 10-20) in place of the Psalms, the ‘Repeated’ (chapters 21-49) in place of the Gospel, and I was uniquely conferred the ‘Detailed’ (chapters 50-114).




Complete Payment


  • Daily Quran Sessions
  • Pre-recorded lessons
  • Telegram Forum 24/7
  • Podcasts and articles
Join the Program

2 Monthly Payments

£100 p/m

  • Daily Quran Sessions
  • Pre-recorded lessons
  • Telegram Forum 24/7
  • Podcasts and articles
Join the Program

Discover the message that carries the weight of 2500 years, calling to the tradition of Abraham and the Ishmaelite pledge to uphold the covenantal code and the sovereignty of God. Will you take the pledge??

I'm here to help you uncover the incredibly simple truths that we've been conditioned to overlook, even though they're right in front of us. Once you see them, you can't unsee them—and life will never be the same again!


Sh Mohammed Nizami

Program Leader


"I was curious to learn more so I decided to join the program. What I discovered went far beyond anything I’d ever read or heard before. The way everything was presented made it impossible to ignore the clarity and power of the message. Honestly, I don’t think any religion conveys what I’ve just experienced through this program. By just a third of the way in, I could already recognise the truth. I can see how the preachers and priests lie to us. It was so clear that I found myself affirming my complete submission to the Almighty."


"The enjoyment of these nightly Quran sessions cannot be compared to anything else I have encountered in life and I can't imagine spending my days and evenings any differently. If I were to summarise my experience in a few words I would say that when you hear someone speaking truth you just cannot deny it no matter what your situation or starting point is and studying the Quran in such a meaningful way has felt like pure nourishment for the mind, body and soul."


"It was the first time we went through the Qur'an translation and it definitely made our Ramadan actually meaningful. It was a hard-hitting experience but we're completely addicted now! As born Muslims, it was eye-opening to learn the roots and background of final message defined as the tradition of Abraham by God. As a family we eagerly looked forward to the sessions every night, and the kids ask deep questions we had never even contemplated before." 


"For years, I felt like there was something missing in my Quranic education, and this program has filled that gap. This overview is exactly what I needed but could never find anywhere else. I’ve tried many courses before, but none connected everything together. The way this program breaks it all down and gives context is something I’d been searching for, and it’s honestly life-changing. I’ve been praying regularly for something like this to come into my life, and God has granted it to me through you this Ramadan."


"I know this might sound bold, but I don’t think you can really say you believe in the Quran until you’ve done this program. Going through the whole Quran has been such an eye-opener. The way Sh Nizami explained it with so much context and detail brought it to life in a way I’d never imagined possible. It’s like everything suddenly made sense—the meaning, the purpose, all of it. I’ve come away realising how wrong most of my assumptions were, and I feel like I’ve truly affirmed my faith properly for the first time."


"The Quran Program was life-changing. I thought I understood the Quran, but this experience opened my eyes to insights and connections I had never noticed before. Shaykh Nizami’s guidance was profound and relatable, making complex things accessible and deeply impactful. I have never been engaged so intensely throughout the day - I think my brain grew a couple of inches lol. Now I have a renewed sense of purpose and direction in my life. This journey is a must - you can't call yourself a true believer if you don't take it."