The Gabriel Course

The Foundations of Submission to God

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Unbeknownst to many, God provided believers with a curriculum presented by the angel Gabriel 1400 years ago. This divine guidance outlines what all believers on the Tradition of Abraham are required to learn and practice to faithfully adhere to Godā€™s code in its entirety (known as Ä«slāming in Arabic). This course will take you on a transformative journey through the five foundations, exploring the profound and fundamental concepts that define the primordial tradition of Abraham into today.

Course Duration: July - October (4 Months)
What You Will Learn

Over the span of four months, you will delve into the essential teachings upon which Godā€™s code is set, as presented in God's final message. This curriculum is not only a continuation of the tradition of Abraham, as found in the Torah, but also a complete and final message that offers coherent meaning to godliness in the modern world.

Introduction: What is Submission to God (īslām)?
  • Contextualising submission to God
  • God's code over 4000 years
  • The Abrahamic covenant and the Ishmaelite legacy
Module 1: Testification
  • Understanding the act of testification and what it denotes
  • Exploring the impact of testification on personal and communal life
Module 2: Salah (Connective devotions)
  • The importance of Salah and its history
  • Detailed guidance on performing Salah
  • Salah as an outcome-oriented practice
Module 3: Zakat (Tax)
  • The concept of taxation in Godā€™s plan and what itā€™s for
  • The workings of Zakat and its recipients (fiscal spending)
  • The purpose of community and its purpose
 Module 4: Fasting
  • The purpose of fasting and ā€˜howā€™ to fast
  • A history of Abrahamic fasts
  • The various fasts (Ramadan, Ashura, etc.) and their meaning
Module 5: Pilgrimage
  • What is the meaning of Hajj and what it means to give fealty
  • A guide to performing Hajj and the meaning behind the symbols
  • The historical importance of pilgrimage and what that tells us
Conclusion: What the foundations are for
  • Exploring what sits on the foundations
  • The principle of "enjoying good and preventing the bad"
  • Practicing, supporting and upholding the code 


Why Enrol in This Course?
  1. Profound Relevance: Gain a deep understanding of the foundations that gives coherent meaning to serving God in today's world.
  2. Holistic Narrative: Discover how these foundations integrate into a broader meaningful narrative that makes sense of all things.
  3. Growth: Enhance your ability to serve God as was intended by the foundations by aligning your life with the curriculum provided by God.
  4. Community Impact: Learn how these foundations are meant to foster a sense of community and social/political responsibility.

All of our learning is rooted in first-principles with scriptural study the mainstay of the program. We bring everything together to provide a holistic picture on the foundations from both a theoretical and practical perspective. 

Embark on this enlightening journey to understand the core principles that define submission to God. Whether you are a believer seeking to deepen your knowledge or someone curious about the Ishmaelite legacy, this course offers valuable insights and a structured approach to understanding the essence of a 4000-year-old tradition.

How is the module delivered?

  • Sunday evening live seminars (recorded for catch-up and revision)
  • Weekly live QA session
  • Podcasts and resources via the online learning hub.
  • Telegram forum for ongoing 24/7 discussions

The contact time for the course is unprecedented, with constant learning and discussions taking place throughout the day at your convenience. It's a lifestyle for people on the go - we don't all have the luxury of sitting down for hours! Additionally, you can log on to the weekly live seminars on Sunday evenings through your smartphone/ device whilst everything else is delivered through the online learning hub and Telegram app.

Designed for busy people, the program keeps you continuously engaged. On the forum, indulge in topical discussions, ask questions, and catch up with short explanations (text and audio recordings) whilst doing your chores or on the go! You'll be sent a link to the forum in your welcome email to discuss course content with like-minded people as a virtual community. Dip in whenever you feel like it to catch up on discussions, it's always lively and thoroughly engaging!